OK, who laughs at their kids? Don't they do the funniest, craziest things? We just had to start a blog so we never forget how much these kids make us laugh!!!

Submit YOUR Funny Crazy Kid stories and each month we will pick the funniest craziest story to WIN an MP3 player. These are the stories that don't make the baby book...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

This morning while on a conference call...

This morning while on a conference call... after an already crazy, messy, funny start to the morning, I got locked out of my house by the 3 yr old. An of course this is Thursday, the day the gardener comes (so I lock all the windows and doors just in case...well... not really sure why, it seems like a reasonable thing to do, but i digress) the dogs are inside today because our gardener doesn't like them (come to think of it right now I don't really like them, one of them pooped in the house last night), the baby is crying because I've strapped her to the high chair for a long time (afraid to put how long because it's probably too cruel) and the 3 yr old is running around doing laps between the kitchen, living room & play room. Typical morning. This conference call I have to talk on, so I go outside because craziness is happening all around me in the house. Did I mention the 3 yr old goes to school next week and we are looking for daycare for the 1 yr old!!! Anyway as I am talking I hear the door being locked from the inside. Then the pitter patter of feet running away from the door. I couldn't say anything because I was right in the middle of talking about revenue for the west region or something like that. The door was locked and last week I gave my hide-a-key to my cousin who was going to come over and feed the dogs while we were away. I debated which Daddy was going to coerce the 3 yr old to open the door - the "You have 1 second to comply before your life is over as you know it Dad" or the "Gentle Daddy that makes everyone feel good Dad". I bet you can guess which one I used... Ah life with kids, would we have it any other way??

1 comment:

  1. This has happened to me more than I can remember. Once I locked my kids into the car and could not get them out. This was at the mall and security was all over me. Triple A had to save my ass.
