OK, who laughs at their kids? Don't they do the funniest, craziest things? We just had to start a blog so we never forget how much these kids make us laugh!!!

Submit YOUR Funny Crazy Kid stories and each month we will pick the funniest craziest story to WIN an MP3 player. These are the stories that don't make the baby book...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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  1. Broken Door - Recently I was getting ready to go out, went to the bathroom and noticed that one of the drawers to the vanity was broken off. It was as if someone was upset because the front part was broken clear off. Since the wife and I had had words that morning, I naturally thought it was her. But I wasn't going to stir things up again, so I chose not to say anything. Little did I know she had the same experience. As we went to bed that night, I said hony, don't worry about the drawer in the bathroom, I'll fix it tomorrow. Her response was interesting. She said, "I was wondering if you were going to tell me about that. I scratched my head (not really but that's what people say in these instances) and said, "That wasn't me. I thought it was you?" Without any other words we started laughing out loud. We knew that our crazy 3 yr old had been playing in our bathroom. When questioned she readily admitted saying," The door just broke." Funny Crazy Kid.
