OK, who laughs at their kids? Don't they do the funniest, craziest things? We just had to start a blog so we never forget how much these kids make us laugh!!!

Submit YOUR Funny Crazy Kid stories and each month we will pick the funniest craziest story to WIN an MP3 player. These are the stories that don't make the baby book...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"There's a Man in my Bedroom Mommy!"

Recently my wife was home with our 3 yr old alone. Our 3 yr old comes out of her room late at night and says "Mommy, I'm scared, there is a little man in my room." My wife, who is not one to sit idle by at these moments, jumped into action. She ran to the front door, opened it in case she needed to run out and scream for help, got the phone ready to call 911, called our dogs from the backyard, and carefully walked up the stairs. Well, after a scary search, nothing, no one was found. My wife asked the 3 yr old, I don't see anyone, can you show me where he was? The 3 yr old pointed and said here was the little man. She had pointed to a coin that we got last year at Disneyland after riding the Haunted House. A picture of Jack from The Night before Halloween is on the coin, which is what scared my 3 yr old. Hahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. too funny!!! we have the same coin, maybe I can scare the kids LOL
